Friday, May 9, 2014


Inspirations come in different forms and nature. Being inspired has to be from the Almighty Himself. I wake up every morning to do jobs that I am inspired to do.
    PHOTOGRAPHY, a profession once looked down upon now being looked up to.....irony of life.
Before now, when being asked what I do, I find it a bit difficult to say I am into photography but alas! Even the Almighty WAEC now recognizes my profession. I now declare boldly that I am a PHOTOGRAPHER.
   Gone are those days where the profession was for the illiterates, in the days of "TUNDE PHOTO, FUNMI PHOTO but nowadays, the profession has been filled up with elites because photography has gone far from what it was formerly known for.
Kudos to Seun Akinsanmi, the owner of ELO- PHOTOS. He brought up the idea of  Nigerian Photography Expo Conference (NIPHEC).
When I look back into the journey so far, I cant but thank God. Before an event could be said to complete, you would need  a set of photographs else, the memories of the event dies the very day the event is finished. FOTOSERVE stands to make the memories of your event to linger for a long time to come.
Like our facebook page- fotoserve or visit our website

 Perfection is only from God and at FOTOSERVE, we are inspired by

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