Wednesday, July 16, 2014


So this photographer that I respect so much was covering an event where governors and dignitaries were present. One of the governors summoned him and asked how much his photography charges were for covering a wedding. The governor’s daughter was getting married in a few months and he wanted to hire the best hand in the industry.
“You can’t afford me sir” was the response the governor got. The governor was shocked “what do you mean I can’t afford you…I said how much do charge?” The photographer replied, “My services are too expensive for you.”
“Will you at least give me an idea before you conclude that I can’t afford you,” the frustrated governor demanded.
“Depending on what you’re looking at, my bill starts from $60,000″
By now the governor and angry and demanded that the photographer give him his complimentary card. And so contact details were exchanged. Talk about the negotiation of the century.
As much as I admire the photographer and would one day love to charge that amount, I must realize that the guy has been in the industry for over 15 years and had paid his dues. At this stage in his career, he knew what he was worth and people were PROUDLY paying him his fees.
Knowing that photographers like that exist, it gives me hope that one day, I’ll be like the unaffordable photographer. And no, it isn’t because I’m greedy but because I’ll attract people that will gladly pay for what I feel I’m worth. Till then, let me continue diligently building the foundations of what it takes to be an “unaffordable” BRAND.
Contact us today for that professional touch for your portraits and events.
 Tel: 08034179147, 08184132029.
We are inspired by perfection......

Friday, July 11, 2014


A guy and lady having dated for a long time decided to take the relationship to the next level- getting married.  As the planning was going on, I got wind of it and decided to book an appointment with the bride in order to get contracted for the pictures (Na dem get mouth for pictures matters).
It took me a lot of stress convincing the lady to award me the contract. She saw samples of jobs done and fell in love with most of them but when it got to the cost that was another chapter entirely.  I wonder at times what people think of photography. Some would just tell you, “sebi it is just to snap and Photoshop   it”, forgetting that the so called Photoshoping it is not a mere joke. We agreed at a price but she said before the contract could be sealed, I will have to meet with her fiancĂ© and of course, I agreed.
 So we agreed to meet at a particular eatery to seal up the contract.
      Fast forward, on the agreed date, I arrived at the venue. I was dressed in a nice suit since this was more of an interview for a contract and you know in most cases, we tend to be judged by our looks.
Unfortunately, something happened.  I met the couple having a serious argument. In fact, the matter got to an extent that the guy got angry and was almost calling it quit with the lady, Yes, calling it quit! Then I remembered why I was there and I started begging the know if the guy finally left, then no more contract to be sealed.  The more he wanted to go, the more I begged him not to. When it got to a level, he asked me "Mr, ki lo kan yin, kini e ba wa sibi?" meaning “what is your business, why are you here?”  I replied back in yoruba "emi ni mo fe ya yin". He busted out with laughter almost immediately. Seriously my statement has 2 meanings depending on the angle you look from.
 It may mean I am the one who wants to separate you or I am the one who wants to snap you.
Ordinarily, I was referring to the second statement but as at that moment, he felt I meant the first. Then he replied “ ko need nitoripe ati ya ara wa already” meaning “there was no need because they were already separated . That was when the lady recognised me and tried explaining to the guy who I really was and my mission. So the lady and I begged the guy and at the end of it all, and to the glory of God, it ended well.  And I got the contract.

Monday, June 30, 2014


Despite what you thought about math in school, it does have applications in the real world. Photographers, for instance, use math to calculate a number of settings for their cameras, including shutter speed, aperture and focal length. Math is also applied to the composition of a photograph using the rule of thirds.

Step 1

Change the shutter speed to adjust how much light is allowed into the camera for a certain length of time. The camera's shutter speeds are calculated in fractions of seconds, which are usually 1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 and 1. Calculating the correct shutter speed to use is a matter of understanding geometric sequence. As you increase the speed from 1/1000 toward 1 second, each increase multiplies the amount of light entering the lens by a factor of 2.

Step 2

Determine the aperture to adjust the diameter of the camera lens. The larger it is, the more light is taken in by the lens. Aperture is measured by the diameter of the lens or mirror, while its ability to gather light is affected by its area. Understanding how to adjust the aperture of the camera telescope requires an understanding of the area of a circle, which equals pi times its radius squared.

Step 3

Calculate the relationship between the aperture and the focal length. A lens with a 28 millimeter focal length and an aperture of 14 millimeters photographing a 20 meter by 30 meter wall has an area four times greater than a 55 millimeter lens with the same aperture. Find the area of both shots by using the measurements of the wall, which equals 600 meters squared. The 55 millimeter lens has twice the focal length of the 28 millimeter lens and an area of 150 meters squared. The 28 millimeter lens has an area four times greater than the 55 millimeter lens, meaning the latter lens sees only a fourth of the scene and a fourth of the light that the 28 millimeter lens sees.

Step 4

Determine the amount of stops between two f-stop numbers. F-stops refer to the relationship between focal length and aperture diameter. The camera lens is typically marked with f-stops that manipulate the aperture from large to small to adjust the sharpness in depth of field. A common way to remember f-stops is to multiply the previous number by its constant value. For instance, a camera with common f-stops of 1, 1.4, 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 11, 16, 22, 32, 45, 64, 90, 128 has a constant value of 2. That means if you multiple any number in the sequence by 2 you will get the number after the next in the sequence. Setting the f-stop is essentially setting the lens aperture diameter. Therefore, the diameter of the lens aperture is measured by the focal length of your lens divided by the f-stop number. For instance, a lens with a 50 millimeter focal length and an f-stop number of 2 will have an aperture diameter of 25 millimeters.

Step 5

Use the rule of thirds to frame a photograph that pleases the eye. The rule of thirds addresses breaking down an image into nine equal fractions on a horizontal and vertical path and lining up important elements of the photo with the lines. The rule of thirds can give subjects a sense of direction and help balance the visual weight of objects in the photo.
After all said, what do you need to put all these to practical is a DSLR camera. 

DSLR camera- This is a Digital Single Lens Reflex camera (also called a digital SLR) that combines the optics and the mechanism of a single-lens reflex camera with a digital imaging sensor as opposed a photographic film. 

We will look deeper into the difference between a DSLR Camera and a point and shoot camera.

So the next time you see a photographer working, he/she is also a mathematician.
Are you 

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Top 10 Banana Health Benefits
1. Potassium

Bananas are among the most convenient food sources of potassium. This mineral is essential for maintaining proper heart function and regulating normal blood pressure.

Numerous studies have shown the effectiveness of potassium rich foods like bananas in lowering high blood pressure.

So much so that the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows the banana industry to make official claims (much like they would a pharmaceutical drug) of their ability to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and stroke.

Further research by the New England Journal of Medicine suggests eating bananas regularly in your diet can cut your risk of having a stroke by up to 40%.

The potassium in bananas is also beneficial for your kidneys and bones. A good potassium intake suppresses calcium excretion in the urine that can lead to painful kidney stones.

This suppression of calcium loss also reduces your risk of developing osteoporosis and brittle bones. A banana or two a day can have some serious health benefits.
2. More Energy

Even with the proliferation of brightly colored ‘sports’ drinks, ‘energy’ bars and ‘electrolyte’ gels (these are loaded with unhealthy chemicals and coloring by the way) you often see athletes eating bananas just before and even during sports.

Watching tennis for instance, it’s not uncommon to see the players snacking on a bit of banana in between games. If a banana can keep a professional tennis player going, it’s got to rank pretty well in the high-quality energy source stakes.

Personally, I find the combination of natural sugars, balanced with the soluble fiber and potassium, to provide a good stable energy when eaten half an hour before gym or a run.
I’ve experimented with this – running or weights with, or without a banana – and seem to consistently do better when I have one before training.

Some people are worried about bananas spiking blood sugar, but tests show they actually have a glycemic index of around 52, with 24 g of available carbs (lower the less ripe they are).

That’s a glycemic load in the vicinity of 12 which isn’t considered that high. These figures will obviously vary depending on variety and ripeness.

Bananas make a great snack at work when your energy is lagging and while they might not be the most obvious weight loss food, they are only about 100 calories and can satisfy those sweet cravings.

So if you can replace candy bars and other junk foods with bananas, you might just have a really important step towards losing weight. As an added bonus your energy will be much more steady and consistent.banana benefits
3. Helps Digestion

Bananas are a great source of dietary fiber that most of us don’t get nearly enough of. Fiber helps the food you eat move smoothly through the digestive tract and improves elimination.

A couple of bananas may be a healthier choice than laxatives to treat occasional constipation.

Turning to another important element of digestion, bananas are rich in fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS for short thankfully). FOS is known as a prebiotic since it feeds the important friendly bacteria in the digestive tract that help us absorb nutrients more efficiently.

Bananas are also known to help relieve the symptoms of heartburn. So once again, try reaching for the natural cure with banana rather than antacids (though if this page gets shared around too much the makers of Metamucil and Mylanta and not going to be happy!).

4. Good for Ulcers

Eating bananas regularly may help protect against stomach ulcers. Compounds in bananas seem to create a thicker protective barrier in the stomach against hydrochloric acid.

Bananas also contain protease inhibitors that work to eliminate certain bacteria in the stomach implicated as a major cause of stomach ulcers.banana benefits

5.  High in Vitamin B6

Bananas are particularly high in vitamin B6. This vitamin is important for creating hemoglobin for healthy blood.

B6 is also involved in maintaining proper blood sugar levels, synthesizing and breaking down amino acids and producing antibodies for a stronger immune response in your body.

Just one banana has a full fifth of your recommended daily intake of vitamin B6. And they taste much better than vitamin pills too!

6. Vitamins and Minerals

Alongside the high levels of potassium and vitamin B6 already mentioned, bananas also have good levels of vitamin C, magnesium and manganese.

They are also a source of most of the other B vitamins and smaller amounts of trace minerals like iodine, iron, selenium and zinc.banana benefits

7.  Skin Conditions

Even the skins of this amazing fruit have their uses. Banana skins have been used externally to treat skin conditions like psoriasis and acne.

The freshly peeled inside of the banana skin is gently rubbed over the affected area and the residue left on. This might be better done on a day indoors or before bed to avoid the banana smell when out and about.

Note too that in the case of psoriasis there apparently may be some further reddening initially, but this should improve after a few days of use. Patch test on a small area first if you have any concerns. It also usually take several weeks to get the full effects from this treatment.

Banana peel treatments are even used to heal warts. You rub a small piece of banana peel over the wart and then tightly tape it there overnight for at least a week, possibly several, changing it to a new one each night.

People in online forums have reported good results with these simple treatments, though results with natural cures can be varied. I’d be really interested to hear from anyone who’s tried any of them for themselves.

8. A Cancer Fighter?

Recent Japanese animal research linked bananas that are fully ripe (with the dark spots) to production of a compound called tumor necrosis factor (TNF–a). This compound is a cytokine which is believed to have the potential to increase white blood cell count, thus enhancing your immunity and combating cancerous cell changes.

Personally, I don’t put too much stock in animal studies. Regardless, increasing overall fruit consumption in your diet has been consistently linked to a lower risk of developing various cancers

9. Improving your Mood and Reducing Stress

Bananas are a good source of the amino acid tryptophan which your body converts to serotonin.

Amongst many other things, proper serotonin levels help improve your mood, reduce stress and enhance your general outlook and happiness levels. It also helps regulate good sleep patterns.

Tryptophan is considered an essential amino acid because the only way your body gets it is through your diet. Bananas, while certainly not the highest source out there, are one of the easiest ways to get a little more tryptophan. Another reason why bananas make such a great snack for those stressed out at work.

10. A Hangover Cure

Bananas are a great hangover food for mornings when you’ve overdone it a bit the night before. A couple of bananas i

Just about all the other health benefits already discussed come into play here. Of course the better solution is not to drink so much the night before. But just in case, it’s good to have some bananas around for the next morning

7 things you wish you did when you were younger.

Is it little surprise that most people end up becoming great philosophers despite not having a degree in one?
Well, experiences and choices sure affect the way we think. Thus, it seemed only proper and needful to take a stab at some of the things people wished they had done when much younger.


Time they say is money. Just ask Dangote or B.gates. Who has ever looked back at how much time they had spent on the couch and thinks, “time well spent?” Time is precious and depending on how well you use it could make you prosperous. Perhaps, you could have invented Facebook and not our dear friend, Zuckerberg. If calculations were made at the end of our lives, some would have actually lost half their time to sleeping, gisting, or even eating.


Relationships bring happiness as well as sadness. But have we ever thought of how much hindrance it could bring especially when there is way too much devotion to it? Investing too much time and effort to a relationship as opposed to one’s career would ensure that you reap more from what you give the most attention. If you try utilizing a quarter of the time you use in thinking of your partner, you’d probably have become an inventor and more creative as well. Always remember this: success has many friends and failure…none.


Watching the movie, 3Idiots would change your perception on why you should go for your passion when choosing a course of study in a tertiary institution. Most people later in life would regret sacrificing what they enjoy doing for the salary they would received. As the saying goes, “make your passion your profession and you would never have to work a day in your life.”


Most people would wish they were not a charitable ATM machine and a generous central bank when they were much younger. You might have been richer than Adenuga now if you had saved more, don’t you think?


You probably won’t be that strapped for cash if you had a handwork you are good at. Handwork like catering, fashion designing, barbing, photography, shit business (yeah, shit biz …cos someone became a millionaire through it.),hair-dressing, etc, weren’t appealing to you when you were a youth, but as one age, you start to realize the importance of having something you are good at that no one can take away from you.



Tell you what; one true friend is definitely worth more than a multitude of acquaintances. Most simply would have wished they chose quality friends instead of trying to win a popularity contest. Your success tomorrow may depend on the kind of friend(s) you made yesterday.


This may look too religious, but the importance of God to mankind cannot be trivialized. Some might have been more successful, made less mistakes, or the right choices if only they had encountered God earlier. The good news here is; it’s never too late.

Henceforth, try everything possible not to do anything you will live to regret again in life.
Wish you a beautiful and stress free week ahead.

Abayomi Ladejobi

7 things you wish you did when you were younger.

Is it little surprise that most people end up becoming great philosophers despite not having a degree in one?
Well, experiences and choices sure affect the way we think. Thus, it seemed only proper and needful to take a stab at some of the things people wished they had done when much younger.


Time they say is money. Just ask Dangote or B.gates. Who has ever looked back at how much time they had spent on the couch and thinks, “time well spent?” Time is precious and depending on how well you use it could make you prosperous. Perhaps, you could have invented Facebook and not our dear friend, Zuckerberg. If calculations were made at the end of our lives, some would have actually lost half their time to sleeping, gisting, or even eating.


Relationships bring happiness as well as sadness. But have we ever thought of how much hindrance it could bring especially when there is way too much devotion to it? Investing too much time and effort to a relationship as opposed to one’s career would ensure that you reap more from what you give the most attention. If you try utilizing a quarter of the time you use in thinking of your partner, you’d probably have become an inventor and more creative as well. Always remember this: success has many friends and failure…none.


Watching the movie, 3Idiots would change your perception on why you should go for your passion when choosing a course of study in a tertiary institution. Most people later in life would regret sacrificing what they enjoy doing for the salary they would received. As the saying goes, “make your passion your profession and you would never have to work a day in your life.”


Most people would wish they were not a charitable ATM machine and a generous central bank when they were much younger. You might have been richer than Adenuga now if you had saved more, don’t you think?


You probably won’t be that strapped for cash if you had a handwork you are good at. Handwork like catering, fashion designing, barbing, photography, shit business (yeah, shit biz …cos someone became a millionaire through it.),hair-dressing, etc, weren’t appealing to you when you were a youth, but as one age, you start to realize the importance of having something you are good at that no one can take away from you.



Tell you what; one true friend is definitely worth more than a multitude of acquaintances. Most simply would have wished they chose quality friends instead of trying to win a popularity contest. Your success tomorrow may depend on the kind of friend(s) you made yesterday.


This may look too religious, but the importance of God to mankind cannot be trivialized. Some might have been more successful, made less mistakes, or the right choices if only they had encountered God earlier. The good news here is; it’s never too late.

Henceforth, try everything possible not to do anything you will live to regret again in life.
Wish you a beautiful and stress free week ahead.

Abayomi Ladejobi

7 things you wish you did when you were younger.

Is it little surprise that most people end up becoming great philosophers despite not having a degree in one?
Well, experiences and choices sure affect the way we think. Thus, it seemed only proper and needful to take a stab at some of the things people wished they had done when much younger.


Time they say is money. Just ask Dangote or B.gates. Who has ever looked back at how much time they had spent on the couch and thinks, “time well spent?” Time is precious and depending on how well you use it could make you prosperous. Perhaps, you could have invented Facebook and not our dear friend, Zuckerberg. If calculations were made at the end of our lives, some would have actually lost half their time to sleeping, gisting, or even eating.


Relationships bring happiness as well as sadness. But have we ever thought of how much hindrance it could bring especially when there is way too much devotion to it? Investing too much time and effort to a relationship as opposed to one’s career would ensure that you reap more from what you give the most attention. If you try utilizing a quarter of the time you use in thinking of your partner, you’d probably have become an inventor and more creative as well. Always remember this: success has many friends and failure…none.


Watching the movie, 3Idiots would change your perception on why you should go for your passion when choosing a course of study in a tertiary institution. Most people later in life would regret sacrificing what they enjoy doing for the salary they would received. As the saying goes, “make your passion your profession and you would never have to work a day in your life.”


Most people would wish they were not a charitable ATM machine and a generous central bank when they were much younger. You might have been richer than Adenuga now if you had saved more, don’t you think?


You probably won’t be that strapped for cash if you had a handwork you are good at. Handwork like catering, fashion designing, barbing, photography, shit business (yeah, shit biz …cos someone became a millionaire through it.),hair-dressing, etc, weren’t appealing to you when you were a youth, but as one age, you start to realize the importance of having something you are good at that no one can take away from you.



Tell you what; one true friend is definitely worth more than a multitude of acquaintances. Most simply would have wished they chose quality friends instead of trying to win a popularity contest. Your success tomorrow may depend on the kind of friend(s) you made yesterday.


This may look too religious, but the importance of God to mankind cannot be trivialized. Some might have been more successful, made less mistakes, or the right choices if only they had encountered God earlier. The good news here is; it’s never too late.

Henceforth, try everything possible not to do anything you will live to regret again in life.
Wish you a beautiful and stress free week ahead.

Abayomi Ladejobi