Friday, July 11, 2014


A guy and lady having dated for a long time decided to take the relationship to the next level- getting married.  As the planning was going on, I got wind of it and decided to book an appointment with the bride in order to get contracted for the pictures (Na dem get mouth for pictures matters).
It took me a lot of stress convincing the lady to award me the contract. She saw samples of jobs done and fell in love with most of them but when it got to the cost that was another chapter entirely.  I wonder at times what people think of photography. Some would just tell you, “sebi it is just to snap and Photoshop   it”, forgetting that the so called Photoshoping it is not a mere joke. We agreed at a price but she said before the contract could be sealed, I will have to meet with her fiancé and of course, I agreed.
 So we agreed to meet at a particular eatery to seal up the contract.
      Fast forward, on the agreed date, I arrived at the venue. I was dressed in a nice suit since this was more of an interview for a contract and you know in most cases, we tend to be judged by our looks.
Unfortunately, something happened.  I met the couple having a serious argument. In fact, the matter got to an extent that the guy got angry and was almost calling it quit with the lady, Yes, calling it quit! Then I remembered why I was there and I started begging the know if the guy finally left, then no more contract to be sealed.  The more he wanted to go, the more I begged him not to. When it got to a level, he asked me "Mr, ki lo kan yin, kini e ba wa sibi?" meaning “what is your business, why are you here?”  I replied back in yoruba "emi ni mo fe ya yin". He busted out with laughter almost immediately. Seriously my statement has 2 meanings depending on the angle you look from.
 It may mean I am the one who wants to separate you or I am the one who wants to snap you.
Ordinarily, I was referring to the second statement but as at that moment, he felt I meant the first. Then he replied “ ko need nitoripe ati ya ara wa already” meaning “there was no need because they were already separated . That was when the lady recognised me and tried explaining to the guy who I really was and my mission. So the lady and I begged the guy and at the end of it all, and to the glory of God, it ended well.  And I got the contract.

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